Monday, October 31, 2011

Rocky Horror Picture Show at The Uptown Theatre

First, background info:
Aside from the many viewings of The Rocky Horror Picture Show that I have done in the comfort of my home and the homes of friends, I have also gone to a few of the eccentric showings the movie and its cult following are known for. The first time I went was around Halloween about four years ago. The showing was in the small Mounds Theatre, where a sketchy group of dedicated Rocky enthusiasts gathered monthly. This was almost the ideal way to experience the show. My friends and I had known not to admit to being "virgins" so we did not have to go through the hazing process that anyone that has gone to one of these shows is familiar with. We enjoyed watching the others get heckled by the seasoned pros. Then, the show began. The costuming and props left a little to be desired (and were more risque then any of the other shows I've been to), but were more than made up for by the shouting done by these people that had clearly spent a large part of there lives watching this movie together (supposedly at least once a month at this theatre). It was very much like entering another world, where this group of people had their own script which they shouted in unison both between and over lines in the movie. It was so loud and clear, it was excellent. The only thing that detracted from this showing was, the understandable, rule against some of the typical Rocky Horror rituals of throwing rice and toast during certain scenes. This is also the only performance I've seen where Rocky was actually played by a man.

My second, and least satisfying live Rocky Horror experience, was at The Music Box Theatre in Chicago on Halloween 2009. The Music Box is a very large theatre and this Halloween showing of Rocky Horror is, I believe, the only one they do each year. It is a huge gathering of people who are clearly not the hardcore followers I had encountered at The Mounds. This is fine, seeing as I am clearly not a fanatic either, but there wasn't any really palpable presence of such people. The lines to shout and prop ques either did not happen or were to quiet  to be heard throughout the large audience. It was almost just like sitting and watching it at home. There was no added dialogue or snarky jokes to improve the experience.

And now, Uptown:

This year my friends and I went to see Rocky Horror at the Uptown Theatre. This was a great gathering! This production is put on by another group of enthusiasts called Transvestite Soup. This group performs at the Uptown Theatre once a month, and therefore are very good at putting on the show and shouting out the jokes. Since it was Halloween weekend the host before the show was dressed up as Captain Picard and made Doctor Who and Firefly references, which made my day... or night, I guess. Anyway, this group also sells handy prop bags (although you can bring your own), so you can better take part in the madness. And at this production you actually get to throw the rice and toast! It makes quite the mess. This was a great time and I am looking forward to bringing some of my "virgin" friends in the future!
If you have gone to a Rocky Horror Picture Show experience before or not, I recommend going to one put on at the Uptown Theatre!
Check out Transvestite Soup's site (with performance dates and info) here.

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