Friday, January 27, 2012

Best Night of My Life: The Wanted at The Fine Line

Okay. If you know me, you know I like music and LOVE all things British. So I was excited out of my mind when I found out The Wanted, a fab British boy band, were not only going on an American tour, but were visiting Minneapolis!
I have been following the boys' (Max, Jay, Siva, Nathan, and Tom's) music endeavours ever since their first single, All Time Low, dropped in 2010 and hit #1 in the UK. It is hard not to become obsessed with these boys, as they tweet like mad and create weekly YouTube videos to keep you up to date on their lives and give you an inside look at their hijinks! They are so great to their fans, of which they have tons internationally, but until recently they were relatively unknown in the US.
Siva, Max, Jay, and Nath at The Fine Line
Due to their relative obscurity in the US, the boys played in small clubs during their tour, like The Fine Line Music Cafe in Minneapolis on January 27th. At the show, I was one of the older fans, as most of the girls that follow these boys probably aren't even legal. I was lucky enough to be right in front, touching the stage. Although the boys do not dance like boy bands of the 90s, they keep up the energy by jumping around the stage, interacting with the fans, and just being silly. I was lucky enough to touch all of the boys and, by nature of the teens smashing me from behind, had my face less than a foot away from most of their crotches... So that was something. The show was just so fantastic, fun, and intimate I can hardly stand it!!! I left that night with a set list and shirt, and squeed all the way home.

This experience is even more mind blowing now that the boys are #5 on the Billboard charts, had their single, Glad You Came, covered on Glee, and are on a full blown arena tour in the UK performing in front of thousands each night.
Having followed the boys since the beginning and being at that small show during their first US tour makes me feel like I've been part of their journey. And every bit of success they have gives me a feeling of pride for all the boys have done!

Here's a video I made with video clips and pictures I took that night. Check it out and fall in love!

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